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This article analyzes different ontological categories and how they relate to the conservation of contemporary art. Faced with the necessity of apprehending the work of art from an ontological point of view, a theoretical approach is made on the concepts that most affect the conservation of contemporary art: quiddity, truth-authenticity, identity, quality, consistency, and interpretation. These are analyzed from an empirical perspective, based on the experience of conservation and restoration. Since conserving and restoring require making decisions that will affect the material and conceptual plane of the works, several possible paradigms that must be introduced into the deontological code of the profession are analyzed. In addition, the study of a new paradigm is provided, that of the death of the work of art. This paradigm can serve as a frame of reference, given the impossibility of bringing the ‘Truth’ of the artwork into the world of the sensitive. This may occur due to different conditioning factors and limitations of a material, technical, or intentional type, which affect issues that were once established as essential to the entity. On the other hand, different types of time that are related to the conservation of contemporary art are studied: biological time, the eternal present of the work, time as a constructor agent, and destructive time as a facilitator of the appearance of ruin or ruin-relic in the work of art.  相似文献   
赵亚莉  魏淑琴 《现代情报》2007,27(8):104-106
基于本体(ontology)理论,利用本体对概念、术语及其相互关系的规范化描述,勾画出数字图书馆领域的基本知识体系,构建了数字图书馆领域本体库;然后,对现有的图书馆搜索引擎系统进行了改进,将构建的本体库引入到系统中,实现了基于本体的信息检索,方便用户对资源的查询,为用户提供高质量的个性化服务。  相似文献   
语用学旨在解释听话人如何理解话语的意图。格赖斯和斯波伯及威尔逊都主张靠语用推理。但是格赖斯的会话含义理论是从社交语用角度出发,建立在合作原则基础上的推理;斯波伯及威尔逊是从认知角度出发,以大脑中的演绎为基础的推理。本通过分析这两大不同的语用推理模式,使我们更好理解话语。并且,通过对比指出他们各自的不足,以促使后来学积极探讨这个课题。  相似文献   
阅读是读者和作者以语篇为中介交流思想的过程,作者借助语篇表达自己的思想和意图,读者则需要通过推理采解读语篇的意义,领会作者的思想和意图。然而,舍理的推理必须依据语境线索进行。语境线索是指作为语境的语篇为读者解读语篇意义提供的线索。当读者在阅读过程中遇到理解障碍时,语境线索起着十分重要的作用:它们不仅可以帮助读者确定多义词的情景意义、推测生词的意义,而且还有助于推导超常搭配的隐含意义、填补信息空缺。  相似文献   
高职教育作为教育的一部分,应尊重教育的本体价值,即促进人的和谐发展;高职教育其本质属性既包含职业性,又具有高等性,因此,在人才培养过程中强调职业性的同时,不应忽略高等性;当前高职院校师生中出现的一些不良心理,归根结底在于未能形成健康的精神文化,因此,高职院校应加强精神文化的培育,为广大师生营造“心灵的故乡”。  相似文献   
破除意识的神秘性,使得意识成为可科学理解的物理或生物现象是秉承科学主义传统的当代心灵哲学、认知科学和脑神经科学等多学科一直不懈努力的哲学——科学议题。鉴于笛卡尔哲学中的意识概念并未真正经过理性法庭的审判,使得意识祛魅具有不彻底性,还原论者开始了意识的科学还原和概念取消多种进路尝试。笛卡尔主义者内格尔针对还原主义论证提出现象学论证,由此指明意识还原的科学纲领在方法论上同样犯了范畴错误,即在科学的还原过程中遗漏掉主观性。还原论者忙于通过修改物理本体论承诺来消除主观性难题,结果为神秘主义、突现论和目的论开了方便之门。  相似文献   
含有预设的推理与推理的有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推理的全部前提可以看作这一推理的预设。日常的具体推理往往是省略的推理,有些前提并未明确给出,在这种情况下,对预设作全面的分析就尤为重要。与此相关,考察经典逻辑和模态逻辑中的某些推理规则,讨论这些推理规则在日常推理中的有效性问题,是十分必要的。  相似文献   
布鲁纳的思维理论探析--兼谈其对语文教学的一些启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布鲁纳对于思维的研究是富有成果的,从他的思维理论逐渐推导、升华出他的学习论和教学论的。他的思维理论具体归纳为思维过程论、思维发展论、直觉思维论、思维动力论这四个方面,布鲁纳的思维理论对于教育实践的意义是重大的。  相似文献   
Implication is at the very heart of mathematical reasoning. As many authors have shown, pupils and students experience serious difficulties in using it in a suitable manner. In this paper, we support the thesis that these difficulties are closely related with the complexity of this notion. In order to study this complexity,we refer to Tarski's semantic truth theory,which contributes to clarifying the different aspects of implication: propositional connective, logically valid conditional, generalized conditional,inference rules. We will show that for this purpose, it is necessary to extend the classical definition of implication as a relation between propositions to a relation between open sentences with at least one free variable. This permits to become aware of the fact that, in some cases, the truth-value of a given mathematical statement is not constrained by the situation, contrary to the common standpoint that, in mathematics, a statement is either true or false. In the present paper, the didactic relevance of this theoretical stance will be illustrated by an analysis of two problematic situations and the presentation of some experimental results from our research on first-year university students' understanding of implication. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
模糊控制技术发展及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模糊控制是智能控制的一个重要分支,在过去十年中得到了广泛的应用。简要回顾模糊控制技术诞生和发展的历史,介绍了模糊控制技术的特点,特别是模糊控制的结构和工作原理以及模糊控制技术的最新发展,总结模糊控制技术近年来的应用。  相似文献   
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